Wow! Who knew! School is back in, both for me and my children. I also have taken on a job. actually....3. I am exhausted, but mostly happy. I am so busy I can barely see straight. But my bills are paid, my kids are happy, and I feel determined to get thru this part of my life!
Little Girls started Cheer This year:
The oldest Son is dwelling in the basement (not for much longer if he doesn't change his ways). and the Youngest son is Back at Christopher Newport.
We have the absolute privledge of every few days having a balloon or two or three take off out of the backyard. It is noisy but beautiful.
I've taken up selling Mary Kay - allows me to give my friends a great deal as well as myself!
I am embroidering alot right now!! I love it, but trying to get it all done is exhausting!!
Plus working at the Mt. Airy Farm Market is great too because I get to interact with people! We all know I am a social butterfly. I love Baking and Cooking for them. Mmmm
My house is my priority today (putting off that homework til the last minute!) As between working over 40 hours a week, carrying the load of classes, homework, cheer, 4H, Girlscouts, Games, yardwork, laundry, and every other thing calling for my attention, the house is not getting any!! WHY!! just had to throw that in there. If just 1 child would help in this department somewhere what a relief.
So head on out on a Sunday and enjoy your Families. I will clean my house, put away my laundry and yes, do my homework. Oh, and study for a test.
Have a blessed day my dear friends!!